Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Crossing the Equator

At 1142 this morning I crossed the equator at 148 24W. The weather continues to be very nice with 15 knot east wind and mild seas. The air temperature is still cool. I would guess about 78 degrees. The only thing to complain about, there's always something, is the current that continues to hold me back at a full 1 knot. That is a 20% reduction of speed. It is frustrating to get the boat sailing well and have that deducted. Oh well. I had my shot of Captain Morgan's and gave one to Neptune. I hope
he is happy with that. I have been slower than I expected so far due to the headwinds and current. I have averaged 4.2 knots since leaving Bora Bora. I had planned for 5 knots. The speed should pick up once I turn to the northwest at 10 degrees north. I will be on good reach then and should get help from the current. My best guess for arrival would be the 24th. I will soon be half way.
Good news...this evening the wind finally switched to the southeast just as I made my easting of 148W. Now I have headed off onto a close reach and the boat speed improved dramatically. Hopefully this will last. I had to sail 10 days closehauled or nearly so. That was unfortunate but at least the weather has been very nice.

1 comment:

Dave Del Rosario said...

Howsit Ron, Glad to hear your across the equator and getting closer. Sailing closehauled for 10 days must be harsh! Are you sailing straight to Kaneohe?

Hang in there your more than half way home.

Dave Del Rosario
Kaneohe, Hi