Thursday, June 7, 2007


Hello everyone. The big excitement yesterday was a double Mahi strike. I landed both then released one. Keeping the larger one, about 8 pounds, I cut him up and Ling made mahi sandwiches for lunch and Mahi Penang Curry for dinner. Yum! The seas have been rough for a couple days, about 10 feet, so we slowed down to make the motion more tolerable, especially at night. So our progress has slowed some. We are still pushing up to a 1 knot current as well. We made 119 miles in 24 hours yesterday. Today's
progress will be less. In calmer seas we do about 6.5 knots but have slowed to 5.5 for a better ride. Today the sky is completely clear so it looks like a nice day with no squalls and 18 knot wind. To control the boat speed I adjust the size of the jib. We have a very deep reef in it and a very small adjustment makes a big difference in speed. Going over 6 knots in these seas is not comfortable. Our position now is 12N 151W. The forcast is for another day of 20kt wind then it should start to lessen
to 15kts and 10kts by Sunday. It would be nice to open up the boat to air things out. Alot of water gets into the boat in the forpeak where it goes to the bilge. The bilge needs pumping several times a day. I am making a "to do" list and also a "shoulda/coulda" list. All minor stuff so far. It has been one week since we left. After the first few days I found myself asking "Are we there yet?" Now I have settled into a comfortable feeling of just sailing and being on the boat with our now familiar
routine. So that's the way it is a 12N today.
Aloha, Ron

1 comment:

noble silence said...

Congratulations on catching your Mahi fish and saving the life of the excess fish thus earning good karma and being a true conservationist.
Penang fish curry should power you to the end of your journey.
Tell Ling that I made an origami of a sailing ship an am sailing in my dreams in the safety of my bedroom.
The sailboat is the logo for The Freinds of The Origami Center of America .
May the Winds be with you.