Saturday, September 22, 2007

One More Day

I am approaching the north side of Maui at noon today. I have been busy getting this boat sailing downwind. That includes getting the whisker pole setup for the Jib. I am sailing fairly well like this but it is very rolly because of a large north swell on my beam in addition to the east swell. Unfortunately downwind sailing is also slower so I am doing 5 knots only and currently the current is taking some of that away. That can't last. Anyway I plan to arrive Kaneohe Bay in the midafternoon sometime.
The weather is nice now for a good landfall. The squalls have taken a break for a few days. So needless to say I am very excited about the completion of this voyage and being home soon.

1 comment:

Ginger Calem said...


I bet home will be a sight for sore and sea-weary eyes. What an adventure you've had. It's been great to follow along with you on your journey through the blog. Technology is very cool sometimes!

Enjoy pulling into home!

Ginger and the rest of my clan